Friday, November 14, 2014

Count Down to Launch Date

So what is all the hype about MyPoint.  What exactly is MyPoint ... Well let's get right to the POINT and tell you exactly what it is all about. 

Have you ever had an opinion on something that you kept to yourself because you didn’t know who to tell or didn’t think anyone else would care. 

At MyPoint, your opinions and views matter a great deal, not only to us, but to decision-makers around South Africa

Companies need your opinions, whether positive or negative, as they help influence decisions surrounding the design and development of all types of products and services … from banking to smart-phones, healthcare to housing, food to entertainment.

By contributing, you will discover the POWER of your opinion!

MyPoint is a unique community of people, like you and I, who not only get rewarded for sharing their opinions and views, but also get rewarded for completing small tasks that form part of their daily activities – for instance, we might ask you to take a photograph of the shopping centre you shop at so that we can get a better idea of your area.

As part of this community, you’ll be invited to participate in a variety of different activities from online surveys, to discussions, to activities in your area, to interactions on Facebook and a lot of other fun activities. 

The best part for you it that every time you take part in any activity, you will get awarded Gratuity Points that can be exchanged for all types of Rewards that range from airtime to golf bags, movies tickets to holidays, electricity to meal vouchers – all of which can be selected from our huge range of gifts.

You even get rewarded Gratuity Points for logging in every day as well as referring a friend.

We will start off by asking you to complete your Profile Surveys.  This tells us more about you and your interests and the more you tell us about yourself, the more illegible you will be for more activities.

Watch this space for details on the LAUNCH .... 


  1. Hello. I claimed a rewards airtime but did not receive it. Can you help?

  2. How old is this great platform??cause ijust found out about it today and i find it very helpful
